Spook 45 (Stoyan Jams podcast, episode #6)

Here’s one piano/synth piece, I was exploring what the good people at Spitfire audio have to offer in terms of free-ish plugins – some LABS pads (free) and BBC symphony (free if you wait 14 days).

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Shepherd’s (Stoyan Jams podcast, episode #4)

Episode #4 comes to you again from Los Angeles, California. This little piece for acoustic guitar, messed up echoey acoustic guitar as background, and random percussion noises is called “Shepherd’s”. Hope you like!

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Update: now with a video

Ambient Bach: Stoyan Jams episode #2

I needed about a minute of ambient music and this is what happened. Three chords repeated with slight variations. Mostly stolen from Bach’s Prelude in C. Type these into MuseScore. Render in to WAV in MuseScore with samples for “strings”, then with “ooh”, then with “bassoon”. Copy these to Reaper. Cut some parts from “ooh” and “bassoon” so these come in later. Add generous reverb and some delay. Done.

Funny thing is that, depending on the listening environment, additional ghost instruments appear. For example on iphone earbuds I hear trumpets at the end. I think because of all the overtones (harmonics) and how they randomly interact with each other when the same notes are rendered with different samples and different delays and reverbs. Spooky.

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